Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
For any child with health care needs such as allergies, asthma, or other chronic conditions that require specialized health services, a medical action plan must be submitted with this application. The medical action plan must be completed by the child’s parent/guardian or healthcare professional. Please submit this plan prior to your child’s start date.
Please list known allergies, the symptoms, type of response required for your child’s allergic reaction. If none, please enter NONE.
Please list known health care needs or concerns, symptoms, and type of response for these needs/concerns. If none, please enter NONE.
Please list any particular fears or unique behavior characteristics of your child. If none, please enter NONE.
Please list any medication taken for health care needs. If none, please enter NONE.
Please share any other information that has a direct bearing on assuring safe medical treatment for your child. If none, please enter NONE.
Andrews Memorial Readiness School agrees to provide transportation to an appropriate medical resource in the event of an emergency. In an emergency situation, other children in the facility will be supervised by a responsible adult. No drug or medication shall be administered without specific instructions from a physician or child’s parent, guardian, or full-time custodian. Provisions shall be made for your child’s adequate rest and outdoor play.
As a parent of a child registering for the upcoming year, I understand that the registration fee is non-refundable after I receive an acknowledgement from the administration accepting my child’s re-enrollment. Approved enrollment is based on space availability and scheduling of Andrews Memorial Readiness School director.