Two weeks ago, we shared our strategy for the impact of COVID-19 (novel Coronavirus) on our church worship services. These plans follow CDC recommendations for public safety for places of worship that may be found at:

Severe risk groups include:

  • elder citizens
  • Individuals with respiratory issues
  • Individuals with high blood pressure 
  • Individuals with obesity
  • Individuals with compromised immune systems

Symptoms Include:

  • Dry cough
  • Fever
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat

While no vaccine against this virus has been developed, there are a number of behaviors we can practice helping minimize our exposure. 

Social distancing:

  • Avoid physical contact with other people
  • Allow a minimum of 6 feet between yourself and other people
  • Avoid gatherings as much as possible
  • Limit travel as much as possible


  • Wash hands with soap and water frequently and after contact with other people
  • Use hand sanitizer when soap and water not available
  • Sanitize door knobs and other surfaces contacted by hands
  • Avoid touching mouth, nose, and eyes
  • Cover mouth when coughing


Individuals considered at severe risk should exercise sound judgment and judicious caution toward Covid-19:

  • Avoid church attendance and public gatherings
  • Avoid shaking hands
  • Keep a minimum of 6 feet distance from other people

In accordance with CDC limits on gatherings larger than 10 people, we may continue to meet for regularly scheduled worship services.  We will preemptively reschedule or cancel services as necessary as this crisis deepens.  We also will follow community health guidelines/recommendations provided by our county, state, and national health agencies. 


Starting March 15, we will not meet Sunday PM or Wednesday PM.  Unless governor revises 50/person assembly rules or health situation deteriorates, we will plan to only meet for Sunday AM worship on March 22. 

Our families to partner for “plus one” help. Partnering will include offering to help gather food for those unable to go to market, regularly check for wellness, and provide care support as needed through the crisis. 

The current governmental strategy to combat this disease is to blunt/slow the number of cases to help manage our soon to be overextended medical staff and facilities.  This will not be over quickly. As demonstrated in other countries around the world, public restrictions may be the new normal for several weeks to come.


This public health crisis most likely will impact our community far longer than the two week closures (through March 30) announced in other parts of our country.  We are in the early days of this pandemic.

We will continue to offer childcare as long as conditions allow. We urge all staff and student families who display COVID-19 symptoms or test positive for the virus to seek immediate medical attention, self-quarantine away from AMRS until released by physician’s recommendation. 

We also will follow community health guidelines/recommendations provided by our county, state, and national health agencies.